Copy: "It’s everybody's turn to help."
(Es el turno de todos para colaborar)
(AMI nos necesita a todos para ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto de China)
AMI needs all of us to help the Myanmar victims
(AMI nos necesita a todos para ayudar a las víctimas de Myanmar)
Client: AMI, International Medical Association

(AMI nos necesita a todos para ayudar a las víctimas de Myanmar)
Client: AMI, International Medical Association
Agency: Y&R Portugal
Creative Directors: Pedro Ferreira & Judite Mota
Art Director: Pedro Ferreira
Copywriter: Judite Mota
Photographer: Image Tap & Corbis
Post production: Andy Wagner
Published: June 2008
Creative Directors: Pedro Ferreira & Judite Mota
Art Director: Pedro Ferreira
Copywriter: Judite Mota
Photographer: Image Tap & Corbis
Post production: Andy Wagner
Published: June 2008