Otrivin is a nasal spray which unblocks your nose. The challenge was to create interesting and relevant awareness for this product in the outdoor environment.
So the creatives at Saatchi & Saatchi Amsterdam "let their noses" choose the outdoor sites. They picked venues that had a distinct smell and stickered them with larger-than-life, unmissable "Perfume Labels" that reminded people (with blocked noses) of the smells they where missing.
(Otrivin es un spray nasal que te desbloquea la nariz. El reto consistía en llamar la atención sobre este producto de manera interesante y relevante en exteriores. De modo que los creativos de Saatchi & Saatchi Amsterdam "permitieron a sus narices" elegir los emplazamientos en exterior. Eligieron lugares con un olor característico y los marcaron con notorias "etiquetas de perfume" de gran tamaño que recordasen a la gente, con narices taponadas, los olores que se estaban perdiendo)
So the creatives at Saatchi & Saatchi Amsterdam "let their noses" choose the outdoor sites. They picked venues that had a distinct smell and stickered them with larger-than-life, unmissable "Perfume Labels" that reminded people (with blocked noses) of the smells they where missing.
(Otrivin es un spray nasal que te desbloquea la nariz. El reto consistía en llamar la atención sobre este producto de manera interesante y relevante en exteriores. De modo que los creativos de Saatchi & Saatchi Amsterdam "permitieron a sus narices" elegir los emplazamientos en exterior. Eligieron lugares con un olor característico y los marcaron con notorias "etiquetas de perfume" de gran tamaño que recordasen a la gente, con narices taponadas, los olores que se estaban perdiendo)
Copy: "Smell the world again."
(Vuelve a oler el mundo)
(Vuelve a oler el mundo)

Client: Otrivin Nasal Spray
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Amsterdam
Creative Directors: Magnus Olsson & Jean-Francois Fournon
Art Directors: Tim Bishop & Avinash Sampath
Copywriters: Avinash Sampath & Tim Bishop
Typographers/Illustrators: Matty van Oostrom & Tim Bishop
Designer: Matty van Oostrom
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Amsterdam
Creative Directors: Magnus Olsson & Jean-Francois Fournon
Art Directors: Tim Bishop & Avinash Sampath
Copywriters: Avinash Sampath & Tim Bishop
Typographers/Illustrators: Matty van Oostrom & Tim Bishop
Designer: Matty van Oostrom