Friday, March 26, 2010

Securite Routiere - The survivor

Copy: "Maybe you should stay. You can sleep here if you want.
We've had a drink. Why take the risk?
Or, we can have someone take you.
Imagine that you have an accident or you hurt someone else.
I know you feel fine, but you're really in no condition to drive.
Yes, you're right, I'll sleep here.
Just a few words can be enough to save a life. Don't let a friend who had a drink drive home."

(Quizá deberías quedarte. Puedes dormir aquí si quieres.
Hemos bebido. ¿Para qué arriesgarse?
O, podemos organizarlo para que alguien te lleve.
Imagina que tienes un accidente o dañas a alguna otra persona.
Sé que te encuentras bien, pero no estás en condiciones de conducir.
Si, tienes razón, dormiré aquí.
Unas pocas palabras pueden ser suficientes para salvar una vida. No dejes conducir a un amigo que ha bebido

Agency: Lowe Strateus, France
Creative Director: Vincent Behaeghel
Art Director: Frederic Rougier
Copywriter: Aurelie Guilbeau
Director: Xavier Mairesse
Agency Producer: Barbara Vaira
Production Company: Wanda Productions
Executive Producer: Claude Fayolle
Sound: The / Capitaine Plouf

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