Copy: "The hotter you wash, the faster it fades.
Turn down your wash to 30° and do your bit to help keep the world's temperature down."
(Cuanto más caliente lavas, menos tarda en desaparecer.
Pon tu colada a 30° y aporta tu granito de arena para mantener baja la temperatura del mundo)
Turn down your wash to 30° and do your bit to help keep the world's temperature down."
(Cuanto más caliente lavas, menos tarda en desaparecer.
Pon tu colada a 30° y aporta tu granito de arena para mantener baja la temperatura del mundo)

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, London
Creative Director: Howard Fretton
Copywriters: Sarah Sturgess & Lena Ohlsson
Art Directors: Lena Ohlsson & Sarah Sturgess
Typographers: Scott Silvey & Roger Kennedy
Executive Creative Director: Paul Silburn & Kate Stanners
Retoucher: Firstbase
Creative Director: Howard Fretton
Copywriters: Sarah Sturgess & Lena Ohlsson
Art Directors: Lena Ohlsson & Sarah Sturgess
Typographers: Scott Silvey & Roger Kennedy
Executive Creative Director: Paul Silburn & Kate Stanners
Retoucher: Firstbase