Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Maroñas Entertainment Race Course

"Some believe the 'head to head' motivates me. But what really motivates me, is that my rivals watch me win from up close."
(Algunos creen que me motiva el cabeza a cabeza, pero lo que realmente me motiva es que mis rivales me vean ganar de cerca)

"I don't know many of my rivals, but I know that they know me very well. From Behind."
(No conozco muchos rivales, sin embargo sé que ellos me conocen muy bien. De atrás)

"To think that I was unknown; they called me old horse, jackass, donkey... And to think that was only 60 seconds ago."
(Pensar que era un desconocido, que me decían matungo, equino, burro... Y pensar que eso fue hace sólo 60 segundos)

"Everybody asks me, who takes whom? Who cares? He takes the reins and I take the glory."
(Todos me preguntan Quién lleva a quién? Que importa. Él lleva las riendas y yo la gloria)

"Many people believe that the wind is on my side. Of course it is; I am the wind."
(Muchos creen que el viento me favorece. Y sí, cómo no va a hacerlo, si el viento soy yo)

Advertising Agency: DDB Uruguay
Creative Director/Copywriter: Pablo Alvarez
Art Directors: Pablo Alvarez & Guillermo Varela
Illustrator: Veronica Navarro

Published: February 2008

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