Agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Creative Directors: Mark Bernath, Eric Quennoy & Jorge Calleja
Art Director: Christiano Abrahao
Copywriter: Gregg Clampffer
Producer: Olivier Klonhammer
Assistant Producer: Kimia Farshidzad
Project Manager: Emma Williamson
Executive Creative Directors: John Norman
Agency Executive Producer: Corey Bartha
Viral Film Production Company: Dr. Film, Amsterdam
Director: Jeroen Mol
Executive Producer: Lex Szanto
Producer: Lex Szanto
Director of Photography: Jeroen Mol
Post-Production Company: The Ambassadors
Music: Massive Music (feat. Alejandro Londono) - "La pelota"
Sound Design: B-Reel
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
EA Games -FIFA Street 3 Viral
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
BIC - Not Just Pens

(No solo bolígrafos)
Agency: Tonic Communications, Dubai, UAE
Creative Director: Vincent Raffray
Copywriter: Fionn Geaney
Art Director: Diya Ajit
Illustrator: Rahul Dutta
Published: January 2008
Ikea - Beauty
Hotwheels - Stunts
Agency: Ogilvy, Frankfurt, Germany
Creative Director: Stephan Junghanns
Art Director: Ralf Richter
Copywriter: Peter Strauss
Photographer: Michael Schnabel
Postproduction: Marco Perdigones
Typography: Annika Goepfrich & Ralf Richter
Published: December 2007
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Jeep - Ten Little Vehicles
Lyrics: Ten little vehicles were driving in a line,
one engine broke, it had to stop,
from then on there were nine.
Nine little vehicles were driving towards heaven,
two of them did lose control,
from then on there were seven.
Seven little vehicles were trying out some tricks,
one of them was losing grip,
from then on there were six.
Six little vehicles, the rain did really pour,
a truck was sliding into them,
from then on there were four.
Four little vehicles drove towards trees for fun,
three of them bumped into it,
from then on there was one.
One little vehicle, a safety-featured car,
goes on and on and on and on,
forever offroad car!
Jeep. There's only one.
Agency: KNSK Hamburg, Germany
Creative Director: Claudia Bach
Art Director: Michael Reissinger
Copywriters: Fabian Tritsch, Lennert Wendt, Anna Schroeder & Nina Burmeister
Illustrators: Maurice, Tom, Enzo, Don-sun, Michi, Kim-Eyleen, Johanna-Marie, Emma, Kurt & Louisa
Agency Producer: Kerstin Arndt
Production Company/Animation: Deli Pictures, Hamburg
Director: Michael Reissinger
VFX Super: Christian Reimann
3d Artists: Thomas Volkmann & Malte Sarnes
2d Artist: Robert RheeFlame Artist: Christian Reimann
Music: NHB Ton Hamburg & Markenfilm GmbH
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Mutual Community Health Insurance
Vodafone Lifetime Prepaid Card - Debate

(Conversaciones ilimitadas con la Tarjeta Prepago de por Vida)
Executive Creative Directors: Piyush Pandey & Rajiv Rao
Creative Director: Rajiv RaoArt
Director/Illustrator: Santosh Sonawane
Copywriter: Gururaj Rao
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
SNCF - Forget About The Road

(Pruébalo una vez y olvídate de la carretera.)
Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Art Director: Marianne Fonferrier
Copywriter: Ghislaine de Germon
Photographer: David Harriman
Blush Lingerie - CO2
Creative Directors: Johannes Krempl & Lars Wohlnick
Art Director: Ina Ruediger
Copywriters: Nicole Lanners, Sascha Beer & Ina Rüdiger
Photographer: Thorsten Klapsch
Published: January 2008
Medicover Romania

(Cuando uno está enfermo, otro tiene que trabajar el doble)
Creative Director: Andrei Cohn
Art Director: Alex Stanciu
Copywriter: Catalin Rusu
Photographer: Carioca
Published: January 2008
Diesel - Live Fast

Copy: "Live fast.
High speed shopping"
(Vive rápido.
Compras a toda velocidad en
Creative directors: Frederic Temin & Anne de Maupeou
Copywriters: Eric Jannon & Dimitri Guerassimov
Art directors: Nicolas Chauvin & Romin Favre
Photographer: Laurie Bartley
Craftsman - Skeleton
Sanctuary Magazine

Stop cutting them before the weather really begins to suck."
(Los arboles eliminan el carbono de la atmósfera.
Dejad de cortarlos antes de que el clima realmente comience a apestar.)

Stop cutting them or soon there'll be no escaping the noise."
(Los árboles plantados a lo largo de la carretera reducen la polución sonora a la mitad.
Dejad de cortarlos o pronto no habra manera de escapar al ruido.)

"Roots hold the soil. Soil stores carbon. This helps counter climate change.
Stop deforestation or soon we'll all be at sea."
(Las raices mantienen la tierra. La tierra guarda el carbono. Esto ayuda a invertir el cambio climático.
Detened la deforestación o pronto estaremos en el mar.)
Creative Directors: Ryan Menezes & Sanjay Sipahimalani
Art Director/Illustrator: Sandip Gaikwad
Copywriter: Reilly Rebello
Published: December 2007
Lactofree - Cow

(Todo el sabor. Sin lactosa)
Creative Director: Mark Hunter
Art Director: David Herse
Copywriter: Ryan Petie
Typographer: Matt Palmer
Photographer: Lol Keegan
Published: January 2008
Nivea Children's Sun Lotion - Sandcastle
Monday, January 21, 2008
TUI - Hawaiian Print

Para llamar la atención de un conjunto objetivo de consumidores solventes sobre las ofertas de viaje a Hawaii de la compañía TUI, se llegó a un acuerdo con determinadas cadenas de limpieza en seco de modo que sustituyeran las tradicionales coberturas protectoras de plástico transparente por unas especialmente diseñadas que simulaban una camisa de flores Hawaiiana y que mostraban en la parte baja información sobre dichas ofertas.
Creative Directors: Arno Lindemann & Bernhard Lukas
Art Directors: Ole Kleinhans & Markus Kremer
Copywriter: Thomas Heyen
Apple Macbook Air - Envelope
Agency: TBWA\Media Arts Lab
Chief Creative Officer: Lee Clow
Executive Creative Directors: Duncan Milner, Eric Grunbaum
ACD/Art Director: Alain Briere
Art Director: Demian Oliveira
Senior Copywriter: Krista Wicklund
Agency Broadcast Producers: Mike Refuerzo & Perrin Rausch
Production Company: Green Dot Films
Directors: Mark Coppos & Virginia Lee
Editorial Company: Mad River Post
Editor: Lucas Eskin
Postproduction Company: Company 3
AS Sport Newspaper

Copy: "Sport needs AS"
Creative Directors: Antonio Montero, Jose Maria Cornejo & Fernando Galindo
Art Director: Daniel Toranzo
Copywriter: Andrés Alcázar
Published: January 2008
Motorola RAZR 2 Luxury Edition
Executive Creative Director: Nils Andersson
Creative Directors: Wilson Chow & Andrew Lok
Art Directors: Nils Andersson & Wilson Chow
Copywriters: Andrew Lok, Perry Zheng, Bo Deng, Matthew Curry, Rain Yu, Ning Chen & Lucia Li
Photographer: Platon
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Cape Times

(El día anterior a las primeras elecciones multiraciales de Sudáfrica)

(El día anterior a la caida del Muro de Berlín)
Copy: "The world can change in a day. Don't miss your daily edition of in-depth news"
(El mundo puede cambiar en un día. No te pierdas tu edición diaria de noticias en profundidad)
Creative Directors: Kirk Gainsford & Alistair Morgan
Art Director: Brian Bainbridge
Copywriter: Simon Lotze
Photographer: Corbis
Published: January 2008
Suzuki Motorcycles

(Invade su espacio aéreo)
Creative Director: Jason Williams
Art Director: David Poncedeleon
Copywriter: Andrew Woodhead
Published: January 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Children Of The World (India) Trust - Shadow

(Adopta un niño)
Agency: Euro RSCG, India
Creative Directors: Nilesh Naik & Nilesh Vaidya
Art Director: Tulika Tagore
Copywriter: Nilesh Naik
Photographer: Avadhut Hembade
Associated Ready Mixed Concrete

Choo choo, goes the train.
What are you looking at? Goes the concrete truck.
Windows down. Radio cranked. 20 tons of concrete. Nobody's got a problem with you.
(El coche dice Beep beep.
El tren dice Choo choo.
El camionero dice ¿Que estás mirando?
Las ventanillas bajadas. La radio encendida. 20 toneladas de cemento. Nadie tiene problemas contigo)

No self-respecting man goes home reeking of mousepad and toner cartridge.
Now hiring concrete truck drivers.
We need you. Mankind needs you.
(Ningún hombre que se precie de serlo vuelve a casa echando pestes del ratón y del toner.
Ahora estamos contratando conductores de camión.
Te necesitamos. La humanidad te necesita.)
Creative Directors: Eric Spiegler & Deirdre McQuaide
Art Director: Paul Christensen
Copywriter: Matt McNelis
Photographers: Paul Christensen & Andrea Caillier
Published: December 2007
Burger King - Veg City

At Burger King we're extremely serious about controlling the quality of our ingredients.
That's why we examine everything. Thoroughly.
(Control estricto de ingredientes
En Burger King somos extremadamente serios a la hora de controlar la calidad de nuestros ingredientes.
Es por eso que lo examinamos todo. A fondo)

Just say the word and we'll eliminate the onions from your burgers. Quickly and discreetly.
Agency: .start, Munich
Creative Directors: Marco Mehrwald, Thomas Pakull
Art Director: Roland Raith
Junior Art: Nina Zinnhobler
Copywriter: Bernd Nagenrauft
Illustrator: Christoph Hoppenbrock
Published: November 2007
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Queensland Art Gallery, Andy Warhol Exhibition - Isle 62
Agency: Clemenger Brisbane
Creative Director: Sandy Peacock
Art Director: Grant Johnston
Copywriter: Nic Harman
Production Company: Taxi Film Productions
Director: David Barker
Producer: Beck Taylor
Music: Pete Jones
Post Production: Cutting Edge
Sound: Ross Batten
Financial Times

We live in Financial Times."
(Los negocios del mundo. En un solo lugar.
Vivimos en Financial Times)

We live in Financial Times."
(Fusiones y Adquisiciones. Cubiertas a fondo.
Vivimos en Financial Times)
Creative Director: Adam Tucker
Art Director: Damien Bellon
Copywriter: Thierry Albert
Photographer: Steven Wilson
Art Buyer: Sarah Thomson
Coca-Cola - Christmas Spirit
Agency: Ogilvy, Argentina
Production Company: Rebolucion (Buenos Aires)
Director: Armando Bo
Skoda - Car park

(Skoda compensa la polución emitida por sus coches reforestando areas específicas del mundo)
Creative Directors: Giandomenico Puglisi & Stefano Tumiatti
Art Director: Matteo Airoldi
Copywriter: Federico Bonriposi
Photographer: Daniele Poli
Michelin: Puddles

(Hydroedge® El neumático a prueba de lluvia)
Creative Directors: Sebastian Corti & Luis Ribo
Art Director: Antonio Garcia
Copywriter: Ariel Soto
Illustrator: Zoom
Photographer: Hernan Churba
SAIT Polytechnic Continuing Education

Learn how to do real things with Continuing Education at SAIT.
(La vida no es teórica.
Aprende a hacer cosas reales con la Educación Continuada de SAIT)
Creative Director: Christopher Heatherington
Art Director: Brian AllenCopywriter: Sean Mitchell
Photographer: Gary Campbell
Blog Archive
- EA Games -FIFA Street 3 Viral
- BIC - Not Just Pens
- Ikea - Beauty
- Hotwheels - Stunts
- Jeep - Ten Little Vehicles
- Mutual Community Health Insurance
- Vodafone Lifetime Prepaid Card - Debate
- SNCF - Forget About The Road
- Blush Lingerie - CO2
- Medicover Romania
- Diesel - Live Fast
- Craftsman - Skeleton
- Sanctuary Magazine
- Lactofree - Cow
- Nivea Children's Sun Lotion - Sandcastle
- TUI - Hawaiian Print
- Apple Macbook Air - Envelope
- AS Sport Newspaper
- Motorola RAZR 2 Luxury Edition
- Aspirin
- Cape Times
- Suzuki Motorcycles
- Children Of The World (India) Trust - Shadow
- Associated Ready Mixed Concrete
- Burger King - Veg City
- Queensland Art Gallery, Andy Warhol Exhibition - I...
- Financial Times
- Coca-Cola - Christmas Spirit
- Skoda - Car park
- Michelin: Puddles
- SAIT Polytechnic Continuing Education
- Converse - Faces
- Gegen Missbrauch - Hand
- Budweiser - Chameleons
- Die Burger
- Unicef - Water kills
- A.K.Damm
- AMPU - A More Perfect Union
- Fairy - Garage
- National Encyclopedia - All You Need To Know. And ...
- SPCA - Cupidog
- Amnesty International - Direct Mail
- The Pioneer - Since 1864
- Pontiac G6 - People Are Soft
- Buenos Aires Zoo - Guided Visits
- Jackson House Restaurants
- Rock Radio - Air Guitar
- Listerine
- Tuborg Beer
- Baygon - Cockroach
- Companions for Seniors
- Concern for Calcutta - Garbage
- National Aquarium in Baltimore - Evolution Exhibit
- Mix Fm - The Best Mix of Rio
- Bendon Lingerie
- Blood Donation - Reward Points