Copy: "Every generation refreshes the world.
Now it's your turn."
(Cada generación refresca el mundo.
Ahora es tu turno)
Copy: "Stay alive. Use condoms."
(Mantente vivo. Usa preservativos)
Agency: JWT, São Paulo, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer: Mario D’Andrea
Creative Directors: Mario D’Andrea, Roberto Fernandez
Art Director: Pedro Izique
Copywriter: Gustavo Gusmão
Photographer: Rogério Miranda
Copy: "For pain you can barely describe. Dolormin"
(Para dolores que apenas puedes describir. Dolormin)
Copy: "It can happen to anyone"
(Le puede pasar a cualquiera)
Copy: "Protect yourself everyday."
(Protégete a diario)
Copy: "Reflect the rainbow.
Taste the rainbow."
(Refleja el arco iris.
Prueba el arco iris)
Agency: Young & Rubicam, New York, Usa
Executive Creative Directors: Ian Reichenthal & Scott Vitrone
Creative Directors: Guillermo Vega, Icaro Doria & Richard Butt
Art Director: Jason Nitti
Copywriter: Neel Williams