Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Jakarta, Indonesia Executive Creative Director: Gary Caulfield Creative Directors: Glenn Alexander, Joseph Dean & Yuwono Widodo Art Director: Tania Huiny Copywriter: Lydia Tarigan Digital creatives: Rudy Haryanto & Aldo Khalid
Copy: "All children should be allowed to be children. Soleterre. Feeding the children." (A todos los niños se les deberia permitir ser niños. Soleterre. Alimentando a la infancia)
Agency: JWT Milan, Italy Executive Creative Director: Pietro Maestri Creative Director: Bruno Bertelli Art Director: Stefano Carli Ballola Copywriter: Cristiano Tonnarelli Photographer: Zona 13
Agency: DDB, Chicago, USA Group Creative Director: Mark Gross VP Creative Directors: Chris Roe & Chuck Rachford Associate Creative Directors: Galen Graham & Jason Karley Art Director: Jamie Overkamp Copywriter: John Hart Agency Producer: Scott Kemper Production Company: Tool of North America Director: Erich Joiner Executive Producers: Brian Latt & Jennifer Siegel Executive Producer Digital: Dustin Callif Line Producer: Joby Ochsner Director of Photography: Mark Plummer Production Designer: Samantha Gore Editorial Company: Whitehouse Chicago Editor: Matthew Wood Producer: Kristin Branstetter Online Company: Filmworkers Artist: Rob Churchhill Sound Designer: John Binder (Another Country)
Copy: "The product - Andes. 1# Beer in Mendoza, Argentina. The situation - Men love going to bars to drink beer with friends. The problem - Girlfriends. They hate it when men go to bars to drink beer with friends. The solution - Andes Teletransporter. A closed booth, completely soundproof, with a sound panel that recreates hundreds of different environments. To get men out of the bar, without actually leaving it. How it works: 1. Your girlfriend calls when you're at the bar. 2. Get in the teletransporter. 3. Pick an ambience sound effect. 4. Convince her that you're not at the bar. 5. Hang up and go back to your friends and your beer. The result: More happy men at bars, less broken up couples. Conclusion: Why lie if you can teleport?"
(El producto - Andes. La cerveza 1# en Mendoza, Argentina. La situación - A los hombres les gusta ir a los bares a beber cerveza con los amigos. El problema - Las novias. Ellas odian que los hombres vayan a los bares a beber cerveza con los amigos. La solución - Andes Teletransporter. Una cabina cerrada, completamente insonorizada, que cuenta con un panel que recrea cientos de entornos diferentes. Para emplazar a los hombres fuera de los bares, sin que tengan que salir de ellos. Cómo funciona - 1. Tu novia llama cuando estás en el bar. 2. Entras en el teletransportador. 3. Elijes un efecto de sonido ambiente. 4. La convences de que no estás en el bar. 5. Cuelgas y vuelves con tus amigos y a tu cerveza. El resultado - Más hombres en los bares y menos parejas destrozadas. Conclusión - ¿Por qué mentir si te puedes teletransportar?)
Agency: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, Argentina Chief Creative Directors: Maxi Itzkoff & Mariano Serkin Creative Director: Javier Campopiano Art Director: Carlos Muller Copywriter: Patricio del Sante Designers: Bruno Tortolano & Juan Pedro Porcaro Agency Producers: Adrian Aspani, Camilo Rojas & Patricio Martinez Booth designers: AD Productions Production Company: Primo Directors: Nico & Martin Executive Producer: Carolina Cordini Photography Director: Leandro Fillol Post-Production Service Company: Cinecolor Audio Post-Production: Supercharango
Copy: "“Roll up, roll up, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls for the crack of the whip against the animal’s stinging wounds. A big round of applause for the flaming hoops, the injuries and the electric shocks. Come and see the famed number of cages and tightly binding chains allowing no escape from endless training sessions. Laugh, applaud and join in with the repetitive choreographed routines typical of depressed animals under great stress. All the fun of the circus travelling from city to city exhibiting animals as human caricatures. Clowning around that’s no fun at all. Animals are not clowns. Animal circuses, don’t be part of the show.”
Copy: "Coca-Cola. Open happiness." (Coca-Cola. Felicidad abierta)
Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, Portland USA Creative Directors: Hal Curtis & Sheena Brady Art Director: Nate Miller Copywriter: Brian Murphy Agency Producer: Jennifer Fiske Director: Daniel Kleinman Production Company: Epoch Films Editing Company: Cut + Run Visual FX: The Moving Picture Company Sound: Henry Boy
Agency: TBWA, Paris, France Executive Creative Directors: Eric Holden & Remi Noel Art Director/Copywriter: Ingrid Varetz Agency Producers: Virginie Chalard & Maxime Boiron Production Company: Wanda Productions Director: Yoann Lemoine Aired: January 15, 2010
As part of a sales promotion campaignfor Alfa Romeo during the Brussels car fair, the agency converted 50 bus shelters around the city into free classified ad hoardings. After all, since a new Alfa Romeo was now so cheap, you’ll want to be getting rid of your current wheels pretty quick. People started putting up their own classified ads almost immediately, and the poster sites were completely full within days. (Como parte de una promoción de venta para Alfa Romeo llevada a cabo durante la feria del automóvil de Bruselas, la agencia convirtió 50 marquesinas de autobús a lo largo de la ciudad en soportes gratuitos de anuncios clasificados. Al fin y al cabo, ahora que el precio del nuevo Alfa Romeo es tan bajo, todo el mundo querrá deshacerte de su coche actual lo mas rápido posible. La gente comenzó a poner sus propios clasificados en los paneles de manera casi inmediata, y al poco tiempo estos estaban ya llenos)
Agency: Duval Guillaume, Antwerp, Belgium Creative Director: Geoffrey Hantson Art Directors: Kristoff De Prins & Katrien Muller Copywriters: Philippe Blondé & Henry Scott Graphic design: Wim Sels
Agency: Fred & Farid, Paris, France Executive Creative Director: Fred & Farid Copywriters/Art Directors: Fred & Farid, Feng Huang Photographer: Jeff Burton Photographer Assistant: Rob Hamada Film editor Yannis Rachid Art Buyer: Marie Moulin
Copy: "Everything is a toy to kids. Safeguard." (Para los niños todo es un juguete. Safeguard)
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Guangzhou, China Chief Creative Officers: Edmund Choe & Andy Greenaway Executive Creative Director: Ng Fan Creative Directors: Popo Wu & Samuel Lau Art Directors: Ng Fan, Feel Fu, Jo Jong & Willyes Lam Copywriters: Akon Li, Dang Lei & Arthur Tsang Photographer: David Chen Retouching: James Chan
Copy: Certain things hang on forever. Set the kids free from abuse and violence." (Hay cosas que nunca se dejan atrás. Libera a los niños del abuso y la violencia)
Agency: Mccann Erickson, Spain Executive Creative Directors: Marco Cremona & Gaetano Del Pizzo Art Director: Federico Fanti Copywriter: Valerio Delle Foglie Photographer: Akim Lipphot Postproduction: The Scope
Agency: JWT India Executive Creative Directors: Senthil Kumar & Tista Sen Art Director: Piyash Ghosh Copywriter: Senthil Kumar Production Company: Good Morning Films Director: Shashanka Chaturvedi Agency Producer: Suprotim Day Producer: Vikram Kalra
Copy: "35% off all vegetables." (35% de descuento en todas las verduras)
Agency: El Garaje Lowe, Lima, Peru Creative Directors: Luis Ramirez-Gastón & Marco Caballero Art Directors: Ivan Tahara & Ken Tokashiki Oka Copywriter: Ken Tokashiki Oka Photographer: Alex Freundt Producer: Daniel Ramiez-Gastón
Copy: "Eliminates odours." (Elimina los malos olores)
Agency: Y&R South Africa Chief Creative Officer: Mick Blore Executive Creative Director: Liam Wielopolski Art Director: Tanya De Lange Copywriter: Lwazi Mkhize Art Buyer: Katherine Legg Photographer: Michael Meyersfeld Photographic/Lighting assistant: Benson Makamo Retoucher: Wilfred Horne Model Maker/Stylist: Tony Collins (I&E Models)
Copy: "Like balloons, we are filled with hopes and dreams. But. Over time a single sentence creeps into our lives. Don’t be stupid. It’s the crusher of possibility. It’s the worlds greatest deflator. The world is full of smart people. Doing all kind of smart things… Thats smart. Well, we’re with stupid. Stupid is the relentless pursuit of a regret free life. Smart may have the brains…but stupid has the balls. The smart might recognize things for how they are. The stupid see things for how they could be. Smart critiques. Stupid creates. The fact is if we didnt have stupid thoughts wed have no interesting thoughts at all. Smart may have the plans… but stupid has the stories. Smart may have the authority but stupid has one hell of a hangover. Its not smart to take risks… Its stupid. To be stupid is to be brave. The stupid isnt afraid to fail. The stupid know there are worse things than failure… like not even trying. Smart had one good idea, and that idea was stupid. You can’t outsmart stupid. So don’t even try. Remember only stupid can be truly brilliant. So, BE STUPID"
(Como globos, estamos llenos de esperanzas y sueños. Pero, con el tiempo, una simple frase se cuela en nuestras vidas. No seas estúpido. Es algo que machaca las posibilidades. Es el mayor aliado del desaliento. El mundo esta lleno de gente lista. Haciendo todo tipo de cosas inteligentes. Eso es bastante espabilado. Pero, nosotros apoyamos lo estúpido. Estúpida es la eterna búsqueda de una vida libre de arrepentimiento. Puede que los listos tengan el cerebro... pero los estúpidos tienen las pelotas. Los listos quizá reconozcan las cosas por como son. Los estúpidos ven las cosas por lo que pueden llegar a ser. Los listos critican. Los estúpidos crean. De hecho, si no fuese por los pensamientos estúpidos, no tendríamos pensamientos interesantes en absoluto. Es posible que los listos tengan planes... pero los estúpidos tienen historias que contar. Quizá los listos tengan la autoridad pero los estúpidos tienen una resaca estupenda. No es inteligente tomar riesgos... es estúpido. Ser estúpido es ser valiente. El estúpido no tiene miedo a fracasar. El estúpido sabe que hay cosas peores que el fracaso... como ni siquiera intentarlo. El listo tuvo una buena idea, y esa idea era estúpida. No puedes burlar al estúpido. Así que no trates de hacerlo. Recuerda que solo el estúpido puede ser verdaderamente brillante. Así que SE ESTÚPIDO)
(El estúpido puede fallar. El listo ni siquiera lo intenta)
(El listo tiene los planes. El estúpido tiene historias que contar)
(El listo escucha a su cabeza. El estúpido escucha a su corazón)
(El listo ve lo que hay. El estúpido ve lo que podría llegar a ser)
(El listo planea. El estúpido improvisa)
(Si no tuvieramos pensamientos estúpidos, no tendríamos pensamientos interesantes en absoluto)
(Los estúpidos crean. Los listos critican)
(Puede que los listos tengan el cerebro... pero los estúpidos tienen las pelotas)
Agency: Anomaly, London, Uk Creative Director: Bruno Collin (WAD) Photographers: Kristin Vicari, Melodie Mcdaniel & Chris Buck Interactive Production Company: Stink Digital Music: We Have Band - "Honey Trap"
Copy: "For many women the real danger starts at home. Help us stop domestic violence. Amnesty International." (Para muchas mujeres el peligro real comienza en casa. Ayúdanos a detener la violencia domestica, Amnistía Internacional)
Agency: DDB, Budapest, Hungary Art Directors/Copywriters: Lukasz Brzozowski & Peter Zsembery Directors: Nyitrai Marci & Lukasz Brzozowski Director of Photography: Daniel Garas Producer: Dori Bejczy (Mirkonov) Editor: Bela Barsi Music Composer: Gergö Paradi Sound Designer: Imre Madacsi (Gaston Hangstudio) Colorist: Adam Vandor (Focus Fox) Online Composer: Balazs Deimanik (Focus Fox)
Copy: "Anti-shake video function. The new Leica D-Lux 4." (Función estabilizadora para video. La nueva Leica D-Lux 4)
Agency: Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann, Austria Creative Directors: Tolga Büyükdoganay & Rosa Haider Merlicek Art Director: Sebastian Kaufmann Copywriter: Eva Sommeregger Director: Martin Bauer Production: Friendly Fire
Recently, this commercial for the Audi A5 appeared online. It has already caused caused a lot of commotion and the company denies it’s official. But still found it's place here. Recientemente, el siguiente anuncio apareció online. Hasta el momento ha causado mucha conmoción y la compañía niega que sea oficial. Aun así ha encontrado su hueco en este blog
Copy: "Clean Diesel Technology. Good for the environment. Good for you." (Tecnología Limpia Diesel. Buena para el medio ambiente. Buena para tí)
Copy: "Policeman - You guys can't park here. Move on. Masked men - It won't take long. Just a couple of minutes, ok? We're not staying. Policeman: Ok. Just this once. Have a nice day. Looks serious. The Audi A4 exclusive line." (Policía - No se puede aparcar aquí. Muévanse. Hombres enmascarados - No va para largo. Sólo son un par de minutos, ok? Nos vamos ahora. Policía - Ok. Sólo por esta vez. Que tengan un buen día. Aparenta seriedad. La nueva linea exclusiva de Audi A4)
Agency: Kempertrautmann Gmbh, Germany Creative Directors: Tobias Ahrens, Willy Kaussen & Frank Bannöhr Art Director: Frank Bannöhr Copywriter: Willy Kaussen Director: Markus Walter
Copy: "There's magic in cinema. Let's use it to change the world." (Hay magia en el cine. Usémosla para cambiar el mundo)
Advertiser: Filmaid International humanitarian aid organization Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Mexico Creative Directors: Fernando Carrera & Victor Alvarado Art Director: Victor Alvarado Copywriter: Fernando Carrera
Copy: "A traffic accident affects a whole family. Vereniging Verkeersslachtoffers. For victims and relatives." (Un accidente de tráfico afecta a toda una familia. Vereniging Verkeersslachtoffers. Para las víctimas y sus parientes)
Agency: Alfred International, The Netherlands Art Director: Jan-Willem Smits Copywriter: Edsard Schutte Production company: Notcom Director: Tom Driessen
Agency: Lowe London, UK Executive Creative Directors: Peter Raeburn & Johnnie Burn Creative Art Director/Copywriter: Vince Squibb Production Company: Academy Productions Director: Jonathan Glazer Agency Producer: Sarah Hallatt Director of Photography: Dan Landin Producer: Simon Cooper Editor: Paul Watts Post Production Companies: The Moving Picture Company & The Quarry Sound Production: Soundtree Music Limited Music: Franz Liszt - "Hugarian Rhapsody #2"
Copy: "Most people find watching this to be almost as boring as watching a Tv commercial. We celebrate the ones who master the art of making people want to watch." (La mayoría de la gente encuentra esto tan aburrido como ver un anuncio de Tv. Nosotros celebramos a aquellos que dominan el arte de conseguir que la gente quiera ver)
Agency : Le Bureau, Stockholm, Sweden Creatives: Jonas Wittenmark & Tobias Carlson Production Company: Palladium
Copy: "Enterntainment has arrived. Introducing Orange TV." (El entretenimiento ha llegado. Presentamos Orange TV)
Agency: Publicis, Paris, France Executive Creative Director : Olivier Altmann Art Director : Yves-Eric Deboey Copywriter : Mathieu Degryse Production company: Irene Director : Frederic Planchon TV Production Company : WAM TV Producers: Muriel Allegrini & Pierre Marcus Post-Production : Antoine Daubert & Olivia Farges Sound Production: Boris Nicou Music : PSAPP - "Hill of our home"
Copy: "You quit. They quit." (Tu lo dejas. Ellos lo dejan)
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Brussels, Belgium Creative Director: Jan Teulingkx Art Director: Ross Mc Currach Copywriter: Raf De Smet Production company: Caviar Director: Wim Verheye Post Production: Grid
Copy: "I'm scared Mommy. Please turn the light off. Reduce Global Warming. Save electricity." (Tengo miedo Mamá. Por favor apaga la luz. Reduce el Calentamiento Global. Ahorra electricidad)
Agency: Prolam Y&R, Santiago, Chile Executive Creative Director: Tony Sarroca Creative Director: Claudio Wilton Art Director: Fabrizio Capraro Copywriter: Giovanni Repetto
Copy: "Discover the world in High Definition. Documentaries on SKY HDd." (Descubre el mundo en Alta Definición. Documentales en SKY HDd)
Agency: Heye Group, Munich, Germany Creative Director: Ulrich Luetzenkirchen Art Directors: Justin Pettit & Christian Woelky Copywriter: Thomas Schwarz
Copy: "BAS PLUS. The first brake that reads the street." (BAS PLUS. El primer freno que lee la calle)
Agency: BBDO Düsseldorf, Germany Director: Mate Steinforth Production Company: Sehsucht Animation: Tom Abel, Lasse Clausen, Christian Heyde, Mate Steinforth & Hannes Geiger, Producers: Felix Martens & Karsten Müller Music/Sound Design: Thomas Kisser